A delegation led by DistinguishedProfessor Takashi Onoderaatthe University of TokyovisitedJiangnan University for academic exchanges from February 27 to March 2. Zhu Qingbao, Secretary of the CPC Committee ofJiangnanUniversity, met and hadadiscussion with the delegation together with heads of the International Office and the School of Food Science and Technology(SFST).
Zhu Qingbao expressedawarm welcome to delegation members during the meeting and looked back on pastacademic exchangeexperiences ofProf. Takashi Onoderain China. Hespoke highly of results achieved by both sides through online academic exchangespreviously, andexpressed hiswishesto harness this visit to further promote high-level cooperation between Jiangnan University and the University of Tokyo.
On the morning of February 28, Prof. Takashi Onodera gave a lecture onthe theme of“Beyond COVID-19: Development of mRNA vaccines in other infectious disease” in the D912 lecture hall of theSFST. During the lecture, he elaborated on preparation principle of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, inspirationsdrawnfrom the R&D of COVID-19 vaccinesandR&D developmentof other mRNA vaccines. More than 100 postgraduate and doctoral students attended the lecture.
Followed by Prof. Takashi Onodera’slecture, leaders andteacherrepresentatives ofthe SFSThad discussionswiththedelegation. On behalf of theSFST,DeputyDean Sun Xiulan extended a warm welcome to delegationmembersand briefedthemon the history, discipline development, faculty competitiveness and research level ofthe SFST. Sheintroduced in details main researchareas andtypicalresearch results in the field of food safety.DeputyDean Xie Yunfei gave a presentation on the progressachieved bytheSFSTin internationalscientificresearch cooperation,teacherexchangesand student training. Prof.Takashi Onodera introduced researchareasof the Research CenterforFood Safety of the University of Tokyo. Both sides expressed commitmentstofurther enhance scientificresearch cooperation in the field of food safetyin the future.
Zhou Peng,Head of the International Office, had a discussion with the delegation on the cooperation between Jiangnan University and the University of Tokyoin the afternoon. He gave a general picture of Jiangnan University and work of international exchanges, and elaborated on internationalscientific researchcooperation and teacher and student exchangesbetween Jiangnan University andJapanese universities. Prof.Takashi Onodera introduced organization and research of the Research CenterforFood Safety of the University of Tokyo, andsaidthat two universities had broad prospects for cooperation in the field of food safety. The two sidesfully discussed futurecooperationonexchangesand joint training of talent and mutual visits of teachers and students.Meanwhile, two parties reached a consensus on establishing partnership betweenJiangnan University and the University of Tokyo, promoting teacher and studentexchanges, and building a bridgeforindustry-university-research cooperation betweenChina and Japan.

Zhu Qingbao, Secretary of the CPC Committee of Jiangnan University presented a gift to Prof. Takashi Onodera

Heads of the International Office had discussions with delegation members

A meeting between delegation members and representatives of the SFST

Prof. Takashi Onodera gave a lecture